Not even there yet…

I had quite the scare today. As I was emailing the contact person with the company I’m going through to ensure someone would be at the airport at 1:20 AM Friday to pick me up, he emailed me to say that my program placement had to be changed due to unforeseeable circumstances. Well, it’s two days out and I was amped and ready to go to Maasai land. I was mentally prepared to live in a village for a month. While I’m sure living closer to the city would have its pros, it’s just not something I’m interested in doing. I’ve emailed the company to convey my disappointment and interest in remaining in Maasai land because of the grant I received to do research as well as my personal interests in the area; I’m still waiting to hear back from them.

And I’m not even there yet…

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Sam G

I absolutely dig adventure and travel!

Verbal tantrums of a writer & an anxious spectator of life.


Madison's renderings of teaching and learning